My project, titled New Century War, is about cyber-warfare and how that is playing out in the 21st century. I explore the past attacks spanning from over decade ago to recent times. I utilized sources to pinpoint who the attackers were and what they were seeking. I discuss how as humans we always advance our techniques of warfare, thus the next frontier is cyber-warfare. I make the argument that traditional and conventional warfare tools like guns, tanks and jets will have to take a back seat in the near future. The primary tool for attacks will be through cyber that target national governments and much more. The premise that cyber-warfare will be the primary way we fight is based on the exponential growth of cyber-attacks that we are seeing just in the past few years alone, and the attackers’ perception of the benefits of cyber-attacks that greatly outweigh its cost.
I hope you enjoy the site that I created on this important topic that will touch all of us at some point in the near future. I enjoyed this project as it thought me to organize my thoughts properly, and present them in an appealing format. I have pictures, written content, sources and links to maps on the website.