Monthly Archives: March 2013


Using Google Charts I got to briefly plan and see the places that I want to visit this summer. I picked 10 locations in Europe that I have been meaning to see for a long time now. Google Charts was easy to use and effective in getting me what I wanted to see in a clear format. Below are the different places that I plotted in the map:


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Staying safe at all times while connecting to the internet is a difficult thing to do. Personally I try to safeguard my devices connected to the internet through AVG, which is a decent software that is real effective to this day. Not to mention, the anti-virus software is free and seems to be on par with the other software that require some fee. I try to create different passwords for different sites with letters, numbers and symbols as a collective combination. I also attempt to stay away from websites that threaten my security, but it is not always clear what websites are safe or not. There are sites that stream TV shows or music that have gotten me in trouble in the past, but I have tried to stay away from them in recent years. My computers have been infected by malicious software before and I got to learn a lot from those horrible experiences. I learned how to detect viruses and other things by knowing how my computer was operating differently from before, but that is not always the best way to approach identifying malicious software. That’s why it’s imperative that I get a software that detects the dangers lurking in my devices.


I looked at teachers pay teachers website and found no ethical dilemma. Teacher’s original work is being sold to members of the website for a certain price, which is legal in this country. This phenomenon is no different then an author of a book selling their work via the web as a form of e-books. There seems to be no ethical dilemma because teachers can do as they like regarding their original work. They can distribute it for free or for a fee to the public, which is perfectly fine in a free and capitalistic nation. I would even go as far as to encourage other teachers to participate in this web site so there is a collaborative effort to better the education system with different sets of ideas from many different participants.