Monthly Archives: April 2013

April 22 – 24 (

I choose to search and found out what their website looked like in 1996, 2006 and 2013.

The first website for cnet was in 1996, which was a very simple site, as expected for that time. It had lots of material, but it was not my least favorite.

My least favorite was a site a decade later in 2006, it was not organized well for its time. It had too much information and material that was not appealing to the eye.

My favorite is the current site of 2013 because it was interactive with images that are well made and easy on the eye. It offers lots of materials and information, but they are organized and clean.

April 15 to 17

I took an essay I wrote a while back about corporate social responsibility and the focus of the paper was on Deloitte and its impact on the local community, specifically towards students. I inserted my essay to Wordle and this was what came up.

April 1-3 HW

Below is a graph showing the top 4 activities that I roughly spent most of my time with during the spring break this year.



The graph below shows the relationship between my sleep time and hours of studying spent during this semester.